President's Message

Greetings, SCCTM Family!

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirit.

We are excited about what's to come for SCCTM! Although our conference just ended in November, your Board is hard at work planning for next year and many years to come. We continue to grow and make major strides to ensure that the SCCTM footprint is in every district in the State of SC.

Your role in this organization is vital in advocating and promoting quality, effective mathematics teaching and learning across our state. I am excited for you to share your unique experiences, skills, and talents over the next year with the hope that you will consider sharing at our 2025 Conference in Greenville, SC. 

As we continue to make plans for the future, we want to hear from you!

We know that many of our members travel for our conference and end up in our hosting location as early as Wednesday night, and we want to provide a holistic experience for you for our coming conferences. We have had a number of thoughts and ideas about what we would like to do, but we want to hear from you. Please take a moment to provide us some feedback on this brief survey!

2025 Conference - Wednesday Evening Event Survey

Remember that this year's focus is SEL and developing a climate and culture that embraces and promotes excitement in math education. We are “Making Math Matter: It’s A Way of Life with Infinite Possibilities.” 

Thank you for entrusting me to lead this great organization. 

Eugene Bellamy, Jr., Ed.D.,

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You will find information concerning conferences, publications and membership on our

 FAQ page which can be accessed from the FAQ link above or the main menu.

South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics © 2018

Copyright © 2014
South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics

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